Saturday, July 12, 2008

Henry Miller on Writing

Death is wonderful too-after life. Only one like myself who
has opened his mouth and spoken, only one who has said Yes,
Yes, Yes, and again Yes! can open wide his arms to death and
know no fear. Death as a reward, yes! But not death from
the roots, isolating men, making them bitter and fearful and
lonely, giving them fruitless energy, filling them with a will
which can only say No! The first word any man writes when
he has found himself, his own rhythm, which is the life rhythm,
is Yes! Everything he writes thereafter is Yes, Yes, Yes,-Yes in a
thousand million ways. No dynamo, no matter how huge-not
even a dynamo of a hundred million dead souls-can combat one
man saying Yes!

From Henry Miller on Writing

1 comment:

juli said...

Remind me to tell you about "The Jesus in George Marshall" when we next have a some moments to speak.