Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nirvana (written 7/10/07)

"Do you need anything else" she said
"No that's it." I replied
and couldn't help but finish the sentence
in my mind.
"That's it, that is my final desire
this lifetime and after this pint
of mint chocolate chip ice cream
I will have burned off all the
karma of all my incarnations
and plan to spend the rest of
my days in the exalted
hot tub of the infused higher self
fully realized, the lotus blossom
of god at the holy intersections
of the opposites, the sweet dawn
of my enlightened life is
upon me, like the ocean
a vast sea of non-doing
a pile of wood to split
and a 5 gallon jug to carry
up from the minivan"

It even said on the paper bag

this bag insures
firm, fresh flavor
for your ice cream
and Frozen Foods

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